Our aim is to provide beautiful, fresh Christmas Trees at a competitive price and back it up with traditional good service – and a smile!
BIG TREES AVAILABLE up to 16 foot / 5 metres (Limited Stock).
Small pot grown and potted trees also available

Nordmann Fir
A popular choice as this tree retains its needles for longer in the indoor environment. The needles are flattened and are not sharp. They are glossy dark green above and have lightish blue underside.
Needle Retention: Excellent

Norway Spruce
The Norway Spruce is the ‘original’ Christmas tree. A wonderful shape and an abundance of branches. The needles are small, pointed and a mid-green colour.The Tree offers a lovely ‘Christmassy’ scent that’s perfect at this time of year Needle Retention: Good

Douglas Fir
The Douglas fir has a dense, full bushy shape. The branches are packed with soft green needles that are plush to the touch. Great for children & pets. They have a wonderful citrus aroma.
Needle Retention: Excellent

Fraser Fir
America’s favourite Christmas tree. Not too wide. The Fraser has dense, compact dark greeny- grey foliage.
Needle retention: Excellent
Still growing – not available at the moment

Noble Fir
Known for it’s beauty the Noble makes an excellent Christmas tree, but is challenging to grow and is therefore not common in the UK.
It has a distinctive open shape with soft bluey green upswept foliage that is prized for wreath making. Lovely fragrance.
Needle retention:- Excellent
Still growing – not available at the moment

Lasio Carpa
A striking tree. It is tall and slim with full, soft, blue-green foliage.
Not strongly scented.
Needle retention: Good / Excellent
Still growing – not available at the moment